Help us find a cure for depression

D3 Mission

The D3 Foundation mission is to fund and support cutting-edge academic and non-profit research groups that are investigating novel cures for and the causes of depression, especially that which leads to suicide.

 We were founded in 2020 by Mike and Lori Dudgeon in response to their son Daniel’s suicide death at age 20.

 D3 is a  501c(3) tax exempt organization.

 We are gladly accepting donations.

 Please sign up for our newsletter here




48,344 Suicides for 2018 in the US

During 2018 there were 48,344 suicides. This is 25% more than total deaths from car crashes.

1.4 million Suicide Attempts Per Year

 Estimated suicide attempts per year in the USA. This is almost one for every 300 Americans.

3.2 million Major Depressive Episodes

Over 3.2 million adolescents have a major depressive episode in an average year in the United States.